
PDX Cannabis business Grant 
Reimagine Business Growth

Application deadline: May 26, 2024

In 2018, funded by Portland cannabis tax revenue, NuProject launched mission-based capital programs to support the growth of diverse-owned cannabis businesses in Portland, OR. In 2020, Portland City Council voted to direct additional cannabis tax revenue to the economic development of the communities disproportionately harmed by cannabis criminalization. NuProject will help distribute some of those additional tax funds as a distribution point for the Reimagine Business Growth Grant. 

You can apply for this grant if the business and its owners meet the qualifications listed below. Grants will be distributed on a first-qualified to apply, first-granted funds basis. $3,000 maximum grant per qualified business. NuProject received just $20,000 to grant in total. Act fast so you don’t miss out.

Here's what you need to know

Business must have an active City of Portland business license and City of Portland business address. Plant-touching and ancillary businesses are eligible. Only certain expenses are eligible. Uploading receipts or vendor quotes is a requirement to qualify for the grant. 

Business Qualifications

  • THC or CBD business with either OLCC marijuana license or ODA hemp license. OR your business is an ancillary (or non-plant-touching) business that serves the cannabis industry with a product or service.
  • Primary business address in the city of Portland (you can verify at
  • State of Oregon business registration
  • City of Portland business license
  • Business meets one or more of the following: 1) Generated revenue for at least two years; 2) Expanded into new markets, locations, or product lines; 3) Hired additional staff

Owner Requirements

    • Business owners (50% ownership or greater) are from communities disproportionately impacted by the prohibition of cannabis and/or are an underserved small business owner who has been systematically excluded and/or institutionally oppressed.
    • Owner can state a case for why the expenses will drive business growth.
    • Owner is a NuProject-supported business and has completed a Prosper Portland intake form and goal setting form. Have you completed those forms? Ask us  at

Eligible Expenses

  • Facility upgrades, including security, interior refresh, exterior refresh, lighting, etc
  • Marketing, advertising, public relations
  • Product development, including packaging, molds, testing, other costs associated with R&D, not to include cannabis or inventory purchases 
  • Market expansion costs, not to include licensing costs
  • Ineligible: Funds should not be used for standard, ongoing business and startup costs such as licensing and registrations, operational costs (e.g., payroll and rent), inventory
  • Eligible expenses must be paid between April 25 and June 25, 2024.

2 ways to receive Portland cannabis grant funds:

1) Reimbursement: Submit a receipt for an eligible expense your business has already incurred. Expense must be paid between April 25 and May 26, 2024. First granting priority will go to reimbursing expenses already paid.

2) Advance: Submit an invoice or quote for an eligible expense from a verified vendor. NuProject will advance grant funds. Submitting receipt(s) for eligible expenses required within 30 days of receiving advanced funds. 

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